Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Copyright © James Taylor

Pay per click (PPC) advertising is a very powerful way to advertise on the Internet. PPC is probably the best way to get the most highly targeted traffic to your sites. The down side is PPC advertising can be very costly if you are not careful.
In this article we are going to give you some great tools and resources to help you to not have your pay per click experience be a costly one.

We are not going to be able to give you everything there is to know about pay per click, that would be almost impossible, but we will give you more than enough to get you off to a great start. In this article to make sure your experience with PPC is not a costly one we are going to give you some great tools and resources to help you with your pay per click experience. .

We are not going to be able to give you everything there is to know about pay per click, that would be almost impossible, but we will give you more than enough to get you off to a great start.

There are 3 main places to place pay per click ads:

Google ID:

Yahoo ID:


It is important to only start with one of these places at a time and once you have one setup and getting results to move onto the next one set that one up and so on.

Examples Of Keyword Categories:

This is one of the most important parts to setting up a successful Pay Per Click campaign. So many people do this wrong and end up paying the price, of high cost per click and low click through rates.

“Keyword categories” means just that. Don’t just take all these keywords and throw them into one ad group and think you are going to get results. Pick ONE category and then use the research tool at the bottom of the page to find as many keyword variations in that category as you can.

Example: Make Extra Money, Make Extra Money Online, Make Extra Money From Home, Make Extra Money With The Internet, Make Extra Money at Home etc…

If you have one ad group that already has Make Extra Money as one of the keywords DON’T use that keyword in another ad. You will just be competing with yourself.

Find every keyword variation or expansion that you can on your keyword category and put that in ONE ad group. Don’t just use the generic terms; you want to be as specific as possible.

This will lower the cost that you pay per click and increase the quality of leads that you will get.

You are going to want to use your keywords to target those who are looking for a home business, or how to make money online, or people looking for business opportunities. These are going to be your best leads and will result in more commissions in your pocket.

James Taylor

Marketing Expert
8 years Internet Marketing

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